
Serving, Transforming Images

Each image URL uploaded to MageCDN is of the following format.

For example:

You can transform images using the following query parameters:

1. ?f = format image

The f param is used to define format of the output image: whether it should be webp, avif? What should be the quality? It can use the following variables

formatOutput formatwebp/gif/png/avif/jpeg
quality (q)Image quality (ignored for PNG) .1-100
progressive (p)Use progressive mode to encode image? (ignored for GIF)t/f
loseless mode (l)Use loseless mode to encode image? (only supported for WebP)t/f


This URL will render image in webp format at 90% quality, with both loseless and progressive mode turned off.

Using ?f=o will serve the original image unmodified.

If f is not given, MageCDN will automatically use the most optimized format.

2. ?sz = resize image

The sz param can be used to resize image. This can be done in three ways.

Using percenage (p)

Resizes image by specifying percentage.
Example: 1e63d_image?sz=95p will resize image to 95% of the original image.

Using width (w)

Resizes image by specifying width.
Example: f1e63d_image?sz=512w will resize image to 512px width, while preserving aspect ratio.

Using width, height

Resizes image by specifying width and height.
Example: f1e63d_image?sz=1024,512 will resize image to 1024px width and 512px height.

3. ?cp = crop image

The cp param crops the image. This crop area is specified in the format: x,y,w,h, where (x, y) are starting points and (w, h) are the dimensions of the crop rectangle.

Example: f1e63d_image?cp=0,0,100,100 will create a crop area of 512 x 512px starting on (0, 0) position